Let’s build Stem Cell Labs on the Globe with Google My Maps!

stemcellmapinfo Stem Cell Labs on the Globe is a would-be map of important, worldwide stem cell locations made by Google My Maps. Let us help to build it further in order to easily find all the interesting academic stem cell places that you need to know.

With Google My Maps you can create personalized, annotated, customized maps using the well-known Google Maps. Ever since Google My Maps has launched in April, 2007 I committed myself to the idea of building a comprehensive stem cell labs map with it, share it in order to fill the map with useful information for stem cell scientists… uploaded by stem cell scientists themselves. Finally I allocated one hour to set up the initial map with 5 placemarks: Center for Gene Therapy (Prockop lab), Bernstein Laboratory at UCSF, Scadden lab at Mass. General Hospital, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, California Institute of Regenerative Medicine. These placemarks are good hints on what would be desirable to be included on the Stem Cell Labs on the Globe map: stem cell labs, the basic, functional units of stem cell science, academic institutes, departments with the information that is needed to put them not just on the real geographical map, but on your mental map too. All you need to start with is a little trial and error and the use of the Google My Maps User Guide, I swear that it is a no-brainer even for non-geek types. If you would like to participate in this project and instantly upload good stem cell related locations with some important data (exact address, name of the PI and lab website) email me at stemcelllabsmap@gmail.com, which is the account of Stem Cell Labs on the Globe, and I send you back the password and you can start to upload your favourite lab…..

stem cell labs on the Globe

You can open the map in Google Earth on the desktop too.