The open lab: science blogging anthology published

openlabIt highlights the power of science blogging that from today you can buy a copy ($19.95) or download a pdf ($8.69) of The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006, edited by one of my favourite Scienceblogs by Seed blogger, Coturnix aka Bora Zivkovic of A Blog Around the Clock. And there is a terrific story behind the Anthology: 3 weeks hard work, a very good offer from the next generation publisher, a coming Science Blogging Conference. With the words of Bora: “You can see here how it all got started, just three weeks ago, smack in the middle of the holidays when nobody was online and traffic was down to a third of the normal – and the whole thing just exploded!”

There are of course some great stuff in it for instance Pharyngula’s post on molecular genetics and Opening the Scientific Process by Public Rambling. You can read all the posts of the Anthology here. Unfortunately there is hardly any post in it (for the first screening), which I can consider as deep stem cell biology, regenerative medicine or life extension, a missing point which was mentioned before in the case of the whole Scienceblogs.

Anyway, congratulations for the project and I wish good sales and conference for the represented science blogger community !